
9 Best Homoeopathic Remedies for Dandruff & Scalp Treatment

  Dandruff is a common scalp condition resulting in flakiness, irritation, and discomfort.  While most people try to manage dandruff using commercial products, homeopathy presents a natural and holistic alternative...

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Homoeopathy for Cough and Cold for Summers

Cough and cold are typical winter ailments. However, contrary to popular belief, these conditions can also arise in the summer, albeit for different reasons.  For example, they can be caused...

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9 Best Homoeopathic Remedies & Medicine for Tonsils

  Inflammation of the tonsils, commonly known as tonsillitis, is a common ailment among people of all ages. Conventional methods in dealing with tonsillitis include antibiotics or surgical removal of...

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